The intrepid few - Matthew, Sam, Peter,Andrew and Stuart decided to particpate in the "technical" testing. Now to my mind testing means it is not yet working properly but were they bothered? Nah not a bit. I felt physically sick at seeing the rollercoaster which actually takes you up at a 90 degree angle!

After getting off (they waited over an hour and a half in the queue) Stuart said it was the best roller coaster he had ever been on, one of the things that made it so good was that you had your own personal music track playing while you went round. So they can proudly say they were one of the first people in the entire world to go on that rollercoaster.
Being universal there are always the characters to see, and the boys just had to get a picture with bart!
Universal was an awesome day and the Simpsons ride was one of the best simulators ever!