Thursday, July 16, 2009

Leaving primary school

Today was Alex's leaving assembly before she moves up to High School in September. I have to confess to shedding a little tear as it is the end of an era, no more trekking up to the primary school for me ever again! - well until grandchildren I guess :P

This evening Alex has gone to her leavers barbeque and disco as the picture below shows she really is growing up, my baby is growing too quick!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


On Friday July 10th Stuart was 40 years old, as a "treat" for the old codger I booked him a tandem skydive. He absolutely loved it as you can probably tell from the photos below where he does not stop grinning.

Getting togged up

In the plane

Sitting on the edge of the plane 2 miles up waiting to jump!!

Freefalling above the clouds at 130mph!

Freefalling through the clouds

freefalling with the ground getting closer and closer

Parachute opens!

After the skydive we headed up to the green farm Hotel in Thorpe Market Norfolk. I would definately recommend it for a weekend away. We stayed in the paston room.
Despite the fact I had a chest infection and spent most of the weekend coughing and spluttering I think he had a good birthday :D

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Teenager in the house!

So today we officially have a teenager in the house, Sam is now 13 years old. Trying to get her to have a photo she actually likes is impossible these days so no photo yet!
Mark my words I will get one.

Saturday we are going shopping so she can spend some of the ridiculously large amount of money she got for her birthday - better make the most of it I guess cannot see her letting me come along for much longer. Unless she wants me to pay of course!