So its the end of the long weekend and in true british style the weather was pretty crap, still at least it did not pur down all the time. Saturday Stuart went to the football to watch Ipswich town lose err i mean play and me and the kids did some scrapbooking. Saturday evening we had a family DVD night and watched 10,000 BC (actually quite good) and Hellboy (in preparation for watching the sequel at the pictures). We had some popcorn and crisps, lights out surround sound turned up just like being at the pictures :).
Then me and stuart watched Sweeney Todd - we did not realise it was a musical Stuart detests musicals. Fortunately it was not too bad although very gory and very very dark.
Sunday Sam and a friend went to the ipswich carnival, when i was a teenager the carnival was great - usually had a big funfair and lots to do. Well i got a phone call 2 hours later asking if i could pick them up apparantly there was no funfair and the stalls were pretty unusual - testing for chlamydia anyone!!!!!
Alex had a friend round for the afternoon and sleepover so they commandeered the living room and the TV, there might only have been 2 of them but they were more hassle than sam and her 5 friends put together! I think it was 3 am before they got to sleep but unlike sams friends they werent quiet about it.
Monday dawned bright and at 930 the whole house was still asleep as i snuck out to a car boot sale. It was huge the biggest I have seen in a long time, got a couple of books which i was pleased about but i was even more pleased that was all i came back with. This afternoon I went to the pictures with Sam to see wild child - was a good teen film I enjoyed it and sam thought it was brilliant which is praise indeed from her.
Alex has headed off with her friend to go on a boat trip, at least the weather is dry if a bit overcast.
I made a bowl(s)
6 months ago
So what did you think of Hellboy? We thought about watching 10,000BC this evening but I'm just really wary about it.
Hellboy was great I really enjoyed it although I think it did drag on a bit at the end.
10,000 BC was much better than I expected, I expected it to basically be a special effects fest of dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures running around but there was actually a very good storyline and very little of the aforementioned.
Worth a watch :)
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